Sunday, October 3, 2010


Official Name: Republic of Angola

Capital: Luanda

Population: 12,799,293

Human Development Index: 0.564

Government: Republic, Multi Party Presidential Regime

: Jose Eduardo dos Santos

Languages: Portuguese, Bantu and other African Languages

Ethnic Groups: Ovimundu 37%, Kimbundu 25%, Bakongo 13%, Mestico (mixed European and native African) 2%, European 1%, other 22%

Religions: Indigenous beliefs 47%, Roman Catholic 38%, Protestant 15%

Resources & Exports: Crude oil, diamonds, refined petroleum products, coffee, fish and fish products, sisal, timber and cotton.

Precolonial History

  • Hunter/gather society
  • The Khoisan people
  • Bantu
  • Kingdom of Bakongo
Colonial History
  • Portugese presence in 16th century
  • Prominence of the slave trade
  • Independence gained in 1975
Post-colonial History
  • MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola)
  • Civil War 1975-2002
  • Landmines
  • Rebuilding
International Relations
  • Chinese investment in Angola
  • Angola is China's biggest trading partner in Africa
  • U.S.A. consumes
  • Angola and Opec


  • Angola is vital to SADC b/c it is Southern Africa's only significant oil producer
  • GDP
  • Growing Economy
  • CO2 Emissions
  • South Africa's sole contender
  • Food Imports

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